Sudėtis: Porcija 1 kaušelis (30g)
RPN % | ||
Kalorijos | 114,kcal | |
Kalorijos is riebalų | 15,9 kcal | |
Riebalai | 1,77g | 2,7% |
sotieji riebalai | <0,3g | 1,5 % |
Cholesterolis | 30mg | 2 % |
Natris | 158mg | 4,9% |
Angliavandeniai | 5,1g | 1,7% |
cukrus | <0,1g | |
Baltymai | 19,5g | 39 % |
DigeZyme fermentų kompleksas | 22,5mg |
Amino rūgščių profilis 100 g produkto
Alaninas | 5340mg |
Argininas | 3100mg |
L-aspartinė rūgštis | 11 040 mg |
Cisteinas | 1930mg |
Glutaminas | 18 535mg |
Glicinas | 4645mg |
Histidinas | 1470mg |
Izoleucinas | 5580mg |
Leucinas | 9120mg |
Lizinas | 8180mg |
Metioninas | 2110mg |
Fenilalaninas | 2850mg |
Prolinas | 7200mg |
Serinas | 4310mg |
Treoninas | 7020mg |
Triptofanas | 1490mg |
Tirozinas | 2250mg |
Valinas | 4950mg |
Hidroksiprolinas | 1080mg |
Vartojimas: 1 kaušelį 30g sumaišyti su 180-250ml vandens, arba neriebaus pieno. Gerti 2-3 porcijas per dieną, priklausomai nuo baltymų poreikio. Vieną porciją būtinai iš karto po treniruotės.
Blade Nutrition Protein Concentrate is a high-quality pure whey protein, perfectly suited for athletes experiencing high physical exertion, when providing the body with high-quality proteins is especially important. It is also perfect for dieting, as the protein contains no added sugar.
Whey Protein Concentrate: This is a complete protein because it contains all the amino acids. The full spectrum of amino acids will surely help you grow lean muscle mass and protect muscle tissue from breakdown (catabolism), create antibodies, hormones and enzymes and provide energy. WPC also has the highest biological value among protein types, which means that its use is extremely effective for the human body.
Blade Nutrition Protein Concentrate is designed for athletes and hobbyists looking for the highest quality protein. The food supplement contains a high protein concentration, a large amount of BCAA.
Distributor: UAB "Aivaro Sportas" Taikos pr. 20, Klaipėda, Tel. No. +37064674351. More information at
Blade Nutrition Whey Concentrate 1000g
Maisto papildai sportui pagal tikslą
- Health supplements
- Amino acids
- Gainers / Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Pre-workout products
- Vitamins / Minerals
- Creatine supplements
- Fat Burners / L-Carnitine
- Supplements for women
- Diet food
- Carbohydrates
- For energy
- Promoters
- For joints
- Accessories / Sports equipment
- Sports inventory
- Cosmetics for sports
- Knygos