Maistinė/energetinė vertė (porcija - 35 g):
Energetinė vertė | 554 kJ/130 kcal |
Baltymai | 26,25 g |
Angliavandeniai (iš kurių cukrus) | 2,7 g (1,2 g) |
Riebalai (iš kurių sotieji) | 1,65 g (<1 g) |
Natris | <0,35 g |
DigeZyme® fermentų kompleksas | 52,5 mg |
Sudedamosios dalys: Amix™ whey Fusion baltymų matrica (žemoje temperatūroje ultrafiltruotas pieno išrūgų koncentratas, mikrofiltruotas pieno išrūgų izoliatas su baltymų frakcijomis: Beta-laktoglobulinais, Alfa-laktoglobulinais, galvijų kraujo serumo albuminais, imunoglobulinais, glikomakropeptidais, laktoferinu, laktoperoksidaze), kakavos milteliai (tik šokoladiniame skonyje), maltodekstrinas, stabilizatoriai ksantano derva ir guaro derva, emulsiklis sojos lecitinas, kvapiosios medžiagos, saldikliai sukralozė (Splenda®) ir acesulfamas K, dažikliai (bananų skonyje – kurkuminas, braškių ir miško uogų skoniuose - burokėlių raudonasis, obuolių su cinamonu skonyje – tartrazinas* ir Patent mėlynasis V (* dažiklis gali neigiamai paveikti vaikų dėmesį ir aktyvumą)).
Amino rūgščių profilis 100 g produkto
Alaninas | 4805 mg |
Argininas | 2500 mg |
L-aspartinė rūgštis | 11800 mg |
Metioninas | 2300 mg |
Fenilalaninas | 2900 mg |
Prolinas | 6510 mg |
Cisteinas | 2205 mg |
Glutaminas | 19695 mg |
Glicinas | 1900 mg |
Serinas | 4305 mg |
Treoninas | 7800 mg |
Triptofanas | 1700 mg |
Histidinas | 1605 mg |
Izoleucinas | 6205 mg |
Leucinas | 10010 mg |
Tirozinas | 2505 mg |
Valinas | 5305 mg |
Lizinas | 8800 mg |
Vartojimas: Sumaišykite porciją (vienas dozatoriaus samtelis – 35 g) su 180 – 250 ml lieso pieno, vandens ar sulčių ir suvartokite porciją iškart po treniruotės. Ne sporto dienomis gerkite porciją tarp valgių.
Blade Whey is a high-quality pure whey protein, perfectly suited for athletes experiencing high physical exertion, when providing the body with high-quality proteins is especially important. It's also great for dieting as Blade Whey Protein contains absolutely no added sugar.
Blade Whey Protein is a 100% whey protein consisting of a mixture of 2 biologically active proteins (whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate.
Whey Protein Concentrate : This is a complete protein because it contains all the amino acids. The full spectrum of amino acids will surely help you grow lean muscle mass and protect muscle tissue from breakdown (catabolism), create antibodies, hormones and enzymes and provide energy. WPC also has the highest biological value among protein types, which means that its use is extremely effective for the human body.
Whey Protein Isolate : This is whey in its purest form. This type of protein has the highest concentration of protein of all whey protein sources because the protein is extracted through a cross-flow microfiltration process. This complex process leaves the product incredibly low in fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates and lactose. WPI (Whey Whey Isolate) is extremely quickly digested and absorbed.
Food supplement BladeWhey meets the highest quality standards and is much more useful than conventional whey proteins.
Blade Whey Protein is designed for athletes and hobbyists looking for the highest quality protein. The food supplement contains as much as 73% protein concentration, a mixture of two proteins, which has an extremely high biological value, and enriched BCAA.
Features of Blade Whey:
- 22 protein per serving
- 4.5g of BCAA per serving
- A mixture of 2 proteins (concentrate, isolate
- No added sugar
- Low in fat (1.8g) and carbohydrates (2.2g)*
- Helps to grow and preserve muscle mass
- Great taste
- Made in Hungary to the highest quality standards
Blade Nutrition Whey Protein 2270g
Maisto papildai sportui pagal tikslą
- Health supplements
- Amino acids
- Gainers / Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Pre-workout products
- Vitamins / Minerals
- Creatine supplements
- Fat Burners / L-Carnitine
- Supplements for women
- Diet food
- Carbohydrates
- For energy
- Promoters
- For joints
- Accessories / Sports equipment
- Sports inventory
- Cosmetics for sports
- Knygos