-20% Nutrabolics Mass Fusion 7.2 kg + SUPER GIFTS

Nutrabolics Mass Fusion - maisto papildas milteliais, su saldikliais ir cukrumi.

Grynasis kiekis 7260 g (31 porcija po  235 g).

Maistinė/energetinė vertė (3 dozatoriaus samteliai - 235 g produkto): 950 kcal, riebalai 9 g, iš jų sotieji 2 g, trans riebalai 1 g, cholesterolis 20 mg, natris 400 mg, kalis 350 mg, angliavandeniai 170 g, iš jų skaidulų 2 g, cukraus 28 g, baltymai 47 g, kalcis 150 mg.

Sudedamosios dalys: Waxybolic™ angliavandenių kompleksas (hidrolizuotas ir frakcionuotas vaškinių kukurūzų krakmolas, gliukozės polimerai, kristalinė fruktozė, hidrolizuotas ryžių sirupas, trechalozė), Mass Fusion™ prailginto atsipalaidavimo amino rūgštimis praturtintas baltymų komplesas (IŠRŪGŲ baltymų hidrolizatas, kazeino hidrolizatas, IŠRŪGŲ baltymų izoliatas, miceliarinis kazeinas, IŠRŪGŲ baltymų koncentratas, L-glutaminas, L-leucinas, L-izoleucinas, L-valinas, L-glicinas), SuperFats™ riebiųjų rūgščių kompleksas (konjuguota linoinė rūgštis iš saulėgražų aliejaus, vidutinio ilgio grandinių trigliceridai iš frakcionuoto kokosų aliejaus, balintojas be PIENO (saulėgražų aliejus, kukurūzų sirupas, natrio kazeinatas, emulsikliai mono- ir digliceridai, rūgštingumą reguliuojančios medžiagos dikalio fosfatas ir trikalcio fosfatas, emulsiklis SOJOS lecitinas, antioksidantai tokoferoliai)), natūralios ir dirbtinės kvapiosios medžiagos, tirštikliai ksantano derva, celiuliozė ir karageninas, saldikliai sukralozė ir acesulfamas K, lipnumą reguliuojanti medžiaga silicio dioksidas.

Sudėtyje yra PIENO, SOJOS produktų

Vartojimas: 235 g miltelių išplakite 300-600 ml vandens ar pieno išgerkite kartą per dieną tarp valgių.

Neturėtų būti vartojamas kaip maisto pakaitalas. Neviršyti nustatytos rekomenduojamos paros dozės. Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje. Laikyti gerai uždarytą sausoje patalpoje toliau nuo tiesioginių saulės spindulių, ne aukštesnėje negu 25 C temperatūroje. Prieš pradedant vartoti konsultuotis su mitybos specialistu ar treneriu.

Geriausias iki pabaigos: žiūrėti ant pakuotės.

Gamintojas: Nutrabolics Inc., Richmond, B.C., Canada V7E 2G1. Kilmės šalis: Kanada.

Importuotojas: UAB VL SPORTAS, Taikos pr. 27, Kaunas. Tel Nr +370 630 07552. Daugiau informacijos www.fitsport.lt

Nutrabolics MASSFUSION - start growing here and now !
MASSFUSION is a unique product, thanks to which you will be able to increase muscle mass faster than ever.
It is difficult to gain muscle mass, you do not recover after training.

We have great news for you – MASSFUSION , a masterpiece created by the Nutrabolics team of scientists and athletes.

This product is designed for both the serious bodybuilding athlete and the beginner who is struggling to gain muscle.

Facts you need to understand:

1. In order to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you burn during the day. This can be achieved by eating VERY VERY large amounts. He often complains that he eats n times a day, he is sick of the food he eats, and his weight does not increase as much.

2. The rhythm of life is so intense that most people are so busy that they cannot spend the whole day in the kitchen. You don't eat enough or don't eat - you don't grow .

MASSFUSION is the perfect alternative. The supplement will provide you with the high quality calories, protein and carbohydrates you need to grow your muscles like crazy.

Yes, you read that right – “high quality”. After all, it is not only the amount of calories and nutrients that is important, but also their quality. Imagine what would happen if 24 hours you would only eat fast food in a day. Of course, you would gain weight, but not where you want! Building lean muscle tissue requires a combination of high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates, advanced creatine, and the right fats in the right ratios and dosages. MASSFUSION provides that.

When using MASSFUSION, you can be sure that the product formula does not contain unnecessary fillers that are not useful for growth.. Here are only ingredients that contribute to muscle growth!

MASSFUSION can do what other bulking products can't !

MASSFUSION provides many amino acids that promote protein synthesis and muscle growth. The protein forum consists of fast-absorbing proteins combined with slower-absorbing ones, so that the muscles are never in a catabolic - decaying state and grow !
MASSFUSION contains carbohydrates to aid protein absorption. There are no sugars, fructose or sucrose. Metabolic fatty acids, also known as healthy fats, are added to increase energy. An advanced creatine blend also complements the MASSFUSION formula. All this in a thick, delicious and easy-to-digest instant drink!

The MASSFUSION formula consists of four patented anabolic matrices:

Waxybolic carbohydrate matrix
The powerful blend will provide plenty of energy to help your muscles recover after a hard workout and grow.

MASSFUSION™ five-step advanced protein matrix enriched with amino acids for long-term digestion
A multi-level protein blend will provide a continuous flow of "muscle food", ensuring that you will always remain in an anabolic state (growing...).

CEO™ Advanced Creatine Complex
The advanced creatine complex helps the body recover once normal energy levels have been used up, so you can train harder and do more repetitions. CEO™ also increases cell volume and contributes to overall muscle growth.

SuperFats™ metabolic fatty acid complex
The combination of "lean" and healthy fats provides an excellent source of energy for muscle growth.

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Nutrabolics Mass Fusion 7.2 kg + SUPER GIFTS

  • 69.00€
  • 55.00€
  • You save: 14.00€

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Tags: muscle mass supplements, muscle supplements, gainers