Sudėtis: Porcija 1 kaušelis (30g)
RPN % | ||
Kalorijos | 114,kcal | |
Kalorijos is riebalų | 15,9 kcal | |
Riebalai | 1,77g | 2,7% |
sotieji riebalai | <0,3g | 1,5 % |
Cholesterolis | 30mg | 2 % |
Natris | 158mg | 4,9% |
Angliavandeniai | 5,1g | 1,7% |
cukrus | <0,1g | |
Baltymai | 19,5g | 39 % |
DigeZyme fermentų kompleksas | 22,5mg |
Amino rūgščių profilis 100 g produkto
Alaninas | 5340mg |
Argininas | 3100mg |
L-aspartinė rūgštis | 11 040 mg |
Cisteinas | 1930mg |
Glutaminas | 18 535mg |
Glicinas | 4645mg |
Histidinas | 1470mg |
Izoleucinas | 5580mg |
Leucinas | 9120mg |
Lizinas | 8180mg |
Metioninas | 2110mg |
Fenilalaninas | 2850mg |
Prolinas | 7200mg |
Serinas | 4310mg |
Treoninas | 7020mg |
Triptofanas | 1490mg |
Tirozinas | 2250mg |
Valinas | 4950mg |
Hidroksiprolinas | 1080mg |
Vartojimas: 1 kaušelį 30g sumaišyti su 180-250ml vandens, arba neriebaus pieno. Gerti 2-3 porcijas per dieną, priklausomai nuo baltymų poreikio. Vieną porciją būtinai iš karto po treniruotės.
Protein Inn Whey - everyone who does sports knows that protein is needed to gain muscle. If you are pursuing the goal of becoming
stronger, faster, have perfect body shapes - whey proteins help you achieve your goals
precise. It is whey protein that is most associated with achieving good results. It is a dietary supplement,
ideal for muscle mass growth should be used by athletes looking for a high
quality protein source for growing and improving muscle mass, because whey protein is characterized by
high quality, purity. Scientific research has proven that the human body has some of
the most valuable are whey proteins, as their absorption rate reaches up to 98%. It has long been known that
whey proteins have immune-stimulating, antibacterial properties. By the way
it has been proven that whey proteins are necessary for the human body's important compound glutathione
formation. It has been established that glutathione is formed during digestion (in the stomach) from whey proteins
amino acids cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. This compound of three amino acids
(glutathione) is necessary for the human body. It is this type of protein that is most popular when choosing
protein powder. Whey protein is a complete protein that contains all the important ones
amino acids that improve protein synthesis in our body.
Whey is one of the richest sources of BCAA - branched chain amino acids: L-leucine, L-
isoleucine and L-valine. This trio is very important for muscle growth and even energy during training.
Whey proteins also contain biologically active protein microfractions such as alpha-
lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, glycomacropeptides, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin and various
growth factor.
Protein Inn Whey protein concentrate natural 1000g
Maisto papildai sportui pagal tikslą
- Health supplements
- Amino acids
- Gainers / Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Pre-workout products
- Vitamins / Minerals
- Creatine supplements
- Fat Burners / L-Carnitine
- Supplements for women
- Diet food
- Carbohydrates
- For energy
- Promoters
- For joints
- Accessories / Sports equipment
- Sports inventory
- Cosmetics for sports
- Knygos