Nutrytec Bulk BCAA 6:1:1 braškių limonado skonio - specialios paskirties maisto produktas, skirtas sportininkams, su saldikliais. Grynasis kiekis - 400 g (~66 porcijos). Aminorūgščių profilis porcijoje (6 g - 2 dozatoriaus samteliai): BCAA 6:1:1 5 g (leucinas 3,75 g, valinas 625 mg, izoleucinas 625 mg). Sudedamosios dalys: l-leucinas, l-izoleucinas, l-valinas, maltodekstrinas, rūgštingumą reguliuojanti medžiaga citrinų rūgštis, kvapiosios medžiagos, braškių milteliai, saldikliai sukralozė ir sacharinas, dažiklis azorubinas. Sudėtyje gali būti glitimo, kiaušinių, žuvies, sojos ir pieno pėdsakų.
Vartojimas: 2 dozatoriaus samtelius (6 g) miltelių sumaišyti su 150-200 ml vandens. Gerti vieną arba du kartus per dieną, geriausia 30 minučių prieš treniruotę ir po treniruotės. Rekomenduojama paros norma - 12 g. Laikyti gerai uždarytą, sausoje, vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje, toliau nuo tiesioginių saulės spindulių. Maisto papildas neturėtų būti vartojamas kaip maisto pakaitalas. Prieš pradedant vartoti rekomenduojame pasikonsultuoti su treneriu, sporto gydytoju arba mitybos specialistu. Neviršyti rekomenduojamos paros normos. Geriausias iki pabaigos: žiūrėti ant pakuotės krašto.
MAXXWIN BCAA Instant 2:1:1
BCAA (branched-chain amino acids) - a complex consisting of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. BCAA is the main substance from which new muscle tissues are made, these amino acids make up 35% of all amino acids in muscles, as they are one of the basic components of proteins, they also participate in anabolism and recovery processes, and have an anti-catabolic effect. BCAAs are not synthesized in the body, so a person can only get them with food or special purpose food products. They can be seen as the main "fuel" for muscles, which increases sports performance, improves well-being, and supplements with these amino acids are completely harmless to health. BCAA is one of the most popular nutritional supplements for athletes.
MAXXWIN BCAA Instant 2:1:1 - Time-tested, standard ratio of branched amino acids. In the liver, leucine is used for glucose synthesis when you are starving, sick, or under stress. Leucine regulates protein synthesis from adipose tissue, together with isoleucine and valine, it participates in supplying muscles with energy and influences their recovery process, as it is one of the main components of proteins.
- Great taste
- Muscle protection
- Easy solubility
- Building muscle mass
- As you probably know, bcaa has a bitter taste and is not very popular. But we managed to turn these amino acids into a delicious drink! Nothing is more relaxing than a great-tasting drink that contains substances necessary for proper regeneration of the body.
Manufacturer: REVI plus sro, Akatova 503/13 Litomerice, IČ 27313778, Czech Republic.
Distributor: UAB "Aivaro Sportas" Taikos pr. 20, Klaipėda, Tel. No. +37064674351. More information at
MAXXWIN BCAA Instant 2:1:1 500g
Maisto papildai sportui pagal tikslą
- Health supplements
- Amino acids
- Gainers / Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Pre-workout products
- Vitamins / Minerals
- Creatine supplements
- Fat Burners / L-Carnitine
- Supplements for women
- Diet food
- Carbohydrates
- For energy
- Promoters
- For joints
- Accessories / Sports equipment
- Sports inventory
- Cosmetics for sports
- Knygos