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-50% Nature's Food All-in-one Meal 1050 g. 1 + 1 FREE (total 2050g)

Maistinė/energetinė vertė (porcija - 35 g):

 Energetinė vertė554 kJ/130 kcal
 Baltymai26,25 g
 Angliavandeniai (iš kurių cukrus)2,7 g (1,2 g)
 Riebalai (iš kurių sotieji)1,65 g (<1 g)
 Natris<0,35 g
 DigeZyme® fermentų kompleksas52,5 mg

Sudedamosios dalys: Amix™ whey Fusion baltymų matrica (žemoje temperatūroje ultrafiltruotas pieno išrūgų koncentratas, mikrofiltruotas pieno išrūgų izoliatas su baltymų frakcijomis: Beta-laktoglobulinais, Alfa-laktoglobulinais, galvijų kraujo serumo albuminais, imunoglobulinais, glikomakropeptidais, laktoferinu, laktoperoksidaze), kakavos milteliai (tik šokoladiniame skonyje), maltodekstrinas, stabilizatoriai ksantano derva ir guaro derva, emulsiklis sojos lecitinas, kvapiosios medžiagos, saldikliai sukralozė (Splenda®) ir acesulfamas K, dažikliai (bananų skonyje – kurkuminas, braškių  ir miško uogų skoniuose - burokėlių raudonasis, obuolių su cinamonu skonyje – tartrazinas* ir Patent mėlynasis V (* dažiklis gali neigiamai paveikti vaikų dėmesį ir aktyvumą)). 

Amino rūgščių profilis 100 g produkto

 Alaninas4805 mg
 Argininas2500 mg
 L-aspartinė rūgštis11800 mg
 Metioninas2300 mg
 Fenilalaninas2900 mg
 Prolinas6510 mg
 Cisteinas2205 mg
 Glutaminas19695 mg
 Glicinas1900 mg
 Serinas4305 mg
 Treoninas7800 mg
 Triptofanas1700 mg
 Histidinas1605 mg
 Izoleucinas6205 mg
 Leucinas10010 mg
 Tirozinas2505 mg
 Valinas5305 mg
 Lizinas8800 mg

Vartojimas: Sumaišykite porciją (vienas dozatoriaus samtelis – 35 g) su 180 – 250 ml lieso pieno, vandens ar sulčių ir suvartokite porciją iškart po treniruotės. Ne sporto dienomis gerkite porciją tarp valgių. 

Nature's Food All-in-one Meal - a comprehensive cocktail that will help you squeeze the maximum out of an active and healthy lifestyle. There are no fillers or unnecessary nutrients in this shake, only plant-based ingredients you can trust! Nature's Food presents you a high-quality, uniquely balanced cocktail for you.

  • Suitable for vegans;
  • No genetically modified organisms;
  • Contains no soy products;
  • No gluten;
  • No lactose;
  • There are no fillers or additives;
  • No added dyes;
  • No added flavorings;
  • No cholesterol!

Nature's Food All-In-One Meal gives you the ingredients you need to keep up with your on-the-go and busy lifestyle. With 34g of vegan protein, 25g of carbohydrates, 10g of fibre, omega-3 fats from flaxseed and 20 vitamins and minerals, Nature's Food All-In-One Meal provides a well-balanced serving of food in a shake form. This cocktail is suitable for the most demanding lifestyles and diets, suitable for both omnivores who want to diversify their diet, as well as vegetarians and vegans. Also suitable for people who build body/muscle mass and want to reduce it. This blend is GMO, soy, lactose and gluten free. It doesn't even contain added colors or sweeteners.

Why is this product showing little information?
Unfortunately, due to strict European Union regulations, we are only allowed to provide limited information about food supplements and food products. It is allowed to mention only verified facts that are mentioned in the EU database. Therefore, we are often not allowed to share research-based results because they are not approved by the EU. If you have any specific questions about this product, please contact us at +370 646 74351.

Manufacturer: lovate Health Sciences USAInc. 1105 North Market Street, Suite 1330, Wilmington, DE 19801.

Distributor: UAB "Aivaro Sportas", No. +37064674351 . More information at

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Nature's Food All-in-one Meal 1050 g. 1 + 1 FREE (total 2050g)

  • 29.90€
  • 14.97€
  • You save: 14.93€

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natures food, all in one meal, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, nutritional cocktails, for diet, sport