Sudėtis: Porcija 1 kaušelis (30g)
RPN % | ||
Kalorijos | 114,kcal | |
Kalorijos is riebalų | 15,9 kcal | |
Riebalai | 1,77g | 2,7% |
sotieji riebalai | <0,3g | 1,5 % |
Cholesterolis | 30mg | 2 % |
Natris | 158mg | 4,9% |
Angliavandeniai | 5,1g | 1,7% |
cukrus | <0,1g | |
Baltymai | 19,5g | 39 % |
DigeZyme fermentų kompleksas | 22,5mg |
Amino rūgščių profilis 100 g produkto
Alaninas | 5340mg |
Argininas | 3100mg |
L-aspartinė rūgštis | 11 040 mg |
Cisteinas | 1930mg |
Glutaminas | 18 535mg |
Glicinas | 4645mg |
Histidinas | 1470mg |
Izoleucinas | 5580mg |
Leucinas | 9120mg |
Lizinas | 8180mg |
Metioninas | 2110mg |
Fenilalaninas | 2850mg |
Prolinas | 7200mg |
Serinas | 4310mg |
Treoninas | 7020mg |
Triptofanas | 1490mg |
Tirozinas | 2250mg |
Valinas | 4950mg |
Hidroksiprolinas | 1080mg |
Vartojimas: 1 kaušelį 30g sumaišyti su 180-250ml vandens, arba neriebaus pieno. Gerti 2-3 porcijas per dieną, priklausomai nuo baltymų poreikio. Vieną porciją būtinai iš karto po treniruotės.
ProteinInn Whey Isolate - Isolate is purer than whey concentrate because it takes longer to filter. The microfiltration process is a method where the protein is filtered with ceramic filters (the raw materials are not chemically treated). Additional processing allows the protein concentration in the product to increase to 90% and more. Therefore, the isolate, which contains less carbohydrates and fats, is suitable for dieters.
The isolate is more biologically valuable than the concentrate. The isolate is better for use before and after training: because it is easier to digest and absorb faster, it does not cause allergies, but it is also slightly more expensive than the concentrate. In terms of protein quality, the highest quality whey protein is whey protein isolate, where a serving contains more than 90% protein and about 1% fat and lactose. Whey protein isolate is an extremely clean and pure protein with a very low lactose content.
Athletes who have protein digestion problems consume only this type of protein. This product is especially suitable for people trying to eliminate as much fat as possible from their diet, and the isolate also contains very little lactose, so it is suitable for those who are intolerant to even extremely small amounts of lactose in whey concentrate.
Protein Inn Whey protein isolate 1000g
Maisto papildai sportui pagal tikslą
- Health supplements
- Amino acids
- Gainers / Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Pre-workout products
- Vitamins / Minerals
- Creatine supplements
- Fat Burners / L-Carnitine
- Supplements for women
- Diet food
- Carbohydrates
- For energy
- Promoters
- For joints
- Accessories / Sports equipment
- Sports inventory
- Cosmetics for sports
- Knygos